We are excited to welcome members and friends to return to in-person worship. We will hold services in the sanctuary at 10:30 AM Sundays. For the health and safety of the congregation, it is important that all participants adhere to these guidelines. If you do not feel safe or do not feel able to abide by these guidelines, we respectfully ask you to stay at home and worship with us online. We love and respect your decision. The Worship Committee takes the health and safety of everyone very seriously. We have established the following measures for protection.
Before Arrival
Pray for those unable to attend in-person. Check your temperature. Wash your hands before you leave home and sanitize before entering the building. We will have sanitizer available.
Entering Before the Service
Upon entering the Fellowship Hall, to create a worshipful atmosphere, we ask that you refrain from talking. The time before worship is for prayer and quiet contemplation, accompanied by Isako’s music, so please be respectful. For those with mobility concerns, the lower parking level will be reserved for you and the elevator is an option.
We understand that fellowship is one of the most important ways we connect as a congregation. We also understand that after months away many will want to reconnect before and after church; however, we ask that for the foreseeable future our members and friends refrain from fellowship prior to or after worship.
We ask that you wear a mask while indoors.
Social Distancing
Social distancing must be observed at all times including when entering or leaving the building and while in the building. No hugging/touching, shaking hands or bumping fists.
Upon entering the building please immediately take your seat. Couples and families will be seated together.
No offering will be collected, an offering basket will be available for those who want to leave a contribution. Please continue to send in your tithes and offerings as you have been doing.
After the Service
When you are prompted to do so, please leave the fellowship hall in an orderly fashion without gathering inside the building.